◆2021.10.25 USE2021に参加しました!◆

 ここで簡単にUSE(ユース)について解説。正式名称はThe symposium on Ultrasonic Electronicsという「超音波エレクトロニクスの基礎と応用に関するシンポジウム」です。材料・医療・計測・デバイスなど、超音波を用いた様々な分野の研究者が集まる日本発の国際学会で今年で42回目です!荻教授は去年の大会で現地実行委員長を、長久保助教は現地実行委員を務めるなど、荻研もフル参戦している大切な学会です!






 This is Wenlou Yuan, the new D1 student. This is my first time participating in Symposium on UltraSonic Electronics, also my first time making an online oral presentation on the international symposium.

 This is a really special symposium for me. Due to the entering restrictions, I cannot enter Japan and all my researches were carried out at home. However, many thanks to Ogi sensei and Nagakubo sensei, they helped me a lot to overcome this difficult situation and I could submit my first work to USE2021. Very luckily, my research was picked as the oral presentation and I felt really honored.

 When I made the oral presentation, the feeling was really special. Compared to the oral presentation in a real conference hall, the online meeting has no audience reactions, so actually, I felt I talked to myself in an empty big room during the presentation and I didn’t know whether the audience could see my slides and hear my voice clearly. This feeling made me more and more nervous as the presentation progressed. Fortunately, I finished the presentation within 10 minutes and didn’t make too many mistakes. In the Q&A session, I received several questions from two researchers and I tried my best to give the answers. After the presentation and Q&A, I evaluated my talk one more time and I think I could answer the question about the piezoelectric materials more specifically at that time and I was too nervous to give the best answer. Having this time’s experience, I think I can do better in Q&A next time.

 During the symposium, I studied a lot from the excellent jobs both from our lab and other labs. I found that it was difficult to ask the valuable questions, since I am still a new guy in ultrasonic electronics and I cannot understand the researches quickly. I need more experiences, more efforts and more studies in the future and hope I can get the visa soon. I can’t wait to start my research in Prof. Ogi's lab.

